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Understanding the World & Science


Teaching Understanding the World at Mandeville gives children a greater understanding and experience of self and of the world around them. Children have a natural curiosity to explore and experiment. UW strengthens thinking and problem-solving skills. All aspects of engagement are developed though the teaching of Understanding the world: Exploration, Realisation, Anticipation, Persistence and Initiation.

Children gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

EYFS statutory framework Nov 2024

Understanding the World Understanding the world involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community. The frequency and range of children’s personal experiences increases their knowledge and sense of the world around them – from visiting parks, libraries and museums to meeting important members of society, such as police officers, nurses and firefighters. In addition, listening to a broad selection of stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems will foster their understanding of our culturally, socially, technologically and ecologically diverse world. As well as building important knowledge, this extends their familiarity with words that support understanding across domains. Enriching and widening children’s vocabulary will support later reading and comprehension.


Children develop an understanding and gain skills in each aspect of the EYFS Understanding the World.

  • Past and Present
  • People Cultures and Communities
  • The World – Mandeville Science

A cross curricular approach to learning is applied to Past and Present and People Cultures and Communities.

Pupils’ individual outcomes for the Curriculum areas of Communication and Language, Personal Social and Emotional are weaved into the planned experiences. We encourage children to be curious and inquisitive and develop their problem solving and engagement skills in a playful and functional way.

The World, has a focus on Science. Science lessons are planned for and taught. There are clear links for Science with the Mandeville Curriculums of - Physical development, Personal social and emotional development and Maths.