Learning Zone & Outreach Offer
Outreach to engage pupils with Autism or Severe Learning Difficulties in the classroom
- To engage pupils within their learning
- To reduce behaviours that are a barrier to their learning
- Understand how to implement a wide range of teaching approaches that suit individual needs of pupils with severe learning difficulties (individual and group work)
- Suggestions/strategies on classroom organisation, communication tools, visual aids, assessment and planning
- Use of approaches within the daily classroom timetable e.g TEACCH, Intensive Interaction, PECS, Makaton
- Invite staff to come and observe classroom practice and approaches used at Mandeville School
- To speak to the class teacher and support staff about the child’s IEP targets.
- Prior to visit read child’s EHCP (if they have one) and gather information on:
- What support is needed?
- Child’s engagement within school day
- Level of communication
- Barriers to learning including strategies tried and other therapy outcomes
- Likes and dislikes
Outreach visit:
- Observe child
- Implement and model on how to engage with the child – approaches used, recommended strategies
- Review communication systems in place – visuals, signing, timetabling
- Meet with the class teacher and support staff to discuss suggestions on: behaviour support plan, engaging with child, teaching approaches, proactive strategies, communication and IEP targets
Following outreach visit:
- Write up notes on observation made and suggestions to support child and staff
- Offer for support staff to visit a class in Mandeville School to observe teaching approaches used
- Offer for support staff to access any training taking place at Mandeville (there maybe additional cost depending on the training)
- Follow up with class teacher or support staff 4-6 weeks later to review on strategies implemented, what is working and what is not.
Package Cost Support: ½ day £150 Observe up to 2 pupils 1 day £300 Observe up to 4 pupil